7 lifestyle tips for vitality

Vitality is an important trait that allows us to continually grow and live a purposeful life. In the physical sense, this vitality refers to feeling healthy, capable, and energetic, psychologically, this state of aliveness brings a sense that one's actions have meaning and purpose.

7 Lifestyle Tips For Vitality

1. Know your body. We live in this body but do we really check in with the body to see what it would like to eat? We often overlook our body's deep intelligence. Ask your body for permission to learn from it and for it to teach you what it would prefer to consume.

2. Body’s energetic field. The subtle body needs to be taken care of. If it becomes too charged up it will in turn lead to physical or emotional turmoil. Do practices daily to keep the energy body free-flowing such as qigong or plant baths.

3. Keep it moving. How do we keep the body lubricated? Find what movements will keep us in balance. At times the body may ask for cardio and at other times it may ask for some restorative yoga. Vitality has different streams to enter our being and all are equally important. 

4. Inner dialogue counts. We often miss how big of an impact our inner world reflects on our vitality and health. Find meditative practices that bring inner peace. Try working with Internal Family System to heal our inner dialogue. Inner peace tills the soil for outer harmony. 

5. Balance the system. Regulation of our nervous system is key. Today's world is telling us we need to keep speeding up to succeed. However, if we can slow down our inner clock, then our outer movements will become a reflection of beauty.  Find breath work that supports the regulation of the nervous system.

6. Cultivate the fruits of happiness. What can we do daily to bring joy to our lives? Our mood has a big reflection on our levels of stress and general well-being. Find what brings you the spark of joy and keep lighting the fire.

7. Keep it light. It’s okay to be silly. What did you do as a child when that vitality ran through you so strongly? Act like a kid again and have some fun with no real agenda. Breaking out of the habits of our daily life can be a great way to remove stagnation and start fresh


Guided breathwork and energy cleansing


Embracing Life